My Philosophy on Family Involvement
At the beginning of my student teaching program, I sent home a letter to each student’s family to
introduce myself. I believe it is important to do this by the first day of school or before school begins.
My goal is to let parents know who I am, gain comfort with me and explain how they can get in
contact with me. Throughout the year, I continue to send home various classroom news items,
sharing information and showing images of what students have been working on. This is also a
great way to share exciting events that come up for the students and to highlight any events where
family participation would be appreciated.
Families should be kept informed of how their child is performing at school. Should any concerns
arise, I believe that it is important to communicate with parents via a phone call or email. This allows
for families to be a part of their child’s school life and know what might be going on. Even calling
home to share good news about a student is a great way to communicate. I believe students should
feel proud of themselves and student achievements should be shared with parents so that they can
participate in the joy as well.
Of course, it is also helpful to inform parents of major assignments so they can know what their child
is working on or completing. This can also reduce anxiety that might occur as parents can help
provide a support system that the students can lean on outside of school.
Students were invited to a historical society where they learned about their town's history.
Example of Newsletter that would be sent home to inform them of what is being taught and any upcoming events to be aware of.